Sunday, June 13, 2021

I Love creating with Water Colors!

I painted this back in 2016...

I hope you like it! 😃

Nike's on a Persian Rug.

Create a Cert to Sign PDFs via LibreDraw

For those using Linux as their main OS...

Some Prerequisites...

If you have not allready instlled them these packages...

    > apt install -y openssl libnss3-tools

First Create a Self Signed Cert...

> cd ~/
> mkdir -p pki/nssdb
> cd pki
# Create a self-signed cert
> openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out ss-pdf-x509.pem
# Initialize the nssdb database
> certutil -N -d nssdb/
# Create the p12 file...
> openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in ss-pdf-x509.pem -export -out ss-pdf-pkcs12.p12
# Place cert into nssdb
> pk12util -d nssdb/ -i ss-pdf-pkcs12.p12
# List certs in our nssdb
> certutil -L -d nssdb


Then, Setup LibreDraw to Find your Cert

  1. Start up LibreDraw.
  2. Goto: Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> Security -> Certificate Path -> Select NSS path
  3. Choose the ~/pki/nssdb


Hope this helps someone!